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Socialization / Socializarea
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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2010, 02:42:39 AM »
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Sunt caini pe care nu o sa-i poti controla niciodata pentru ca au ceva special. Sota si acum dupa toate corectiile administrate daca e la mai mult de 1 m de mine si fara lesa o ia razna bigtime. Si la cat e de mare si puternica nu cred ca imi pot permite sa o la s de capul ei. De asta am spus pe undeva ca am caini care nu ii pot monta cu Greiff pentru ca deja sunt o problema. Nu am nevoie ca stapanii puilor sa aiba 2 probleme.
Daca cineva vrea sa duca un curent de selectie la extrem o poate face foarte usor. Problema e ca avem si niste responsabilitati pentru cainii pe care-i producem, mai ales cand ii vindem unor persoane care vreau sa educe puii intr-un stil mai putin ortodox.

Corect, pe Sota trebuie sa o montezi cu un mascul care sa o 'complementeze', asa incat rezultatul sa fie un CG bun, echilibrat etc. Nimeni nu ti-a spus 'mergi si monteaza cu Greif'.
Noi nu ducem la extrema ceea ce facem decat prin prisma compararii cainilor pe care vrem sa-i promovam cu cainii de frumusete. Poti sa spui si asa. Daca noi vrem sa promovam caini duri (iar standardul cere ca un CG sa aiba duritate) este alegera noastra, nu vad de ce te deranjeaza si cum anume.
ce inseamna "o ia razna"? sa inteleg mai bine, ca din ceea ce spui, reiese nu ca e dura, ci incontrolabila.

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2010, 02:44:57 AM »
Dar acelasi standard pomeneste si de caracterul echilibrat al unui CG.


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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2010, 02:51:46 AM »
Ok... si cine promoveaza dezechilibrul aici..?

Offline dux

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2010, 08:07:44 AM »
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Dar acelasi standard pomeneste si de caracterul echilibrat al unui CG.
ok frate.tu cresti ciobanestii cei mai echilibrati.noi crestem cainii aia ,,rai''.asa cum s-au crescut in DDR  si Cehia pana in 90.poate acum esti multumit.

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2010, 08:21:22 AM »
Quote from: Bogdan
Problema e ca avem si niste responsabilitati pentru cainii pe care-i producem, mai ales cand ii vindem unor persoane care vreau sa educe puii intr-un stil mai putin ortodox.
Dar in acelasi timp este de datoria "noastra" sa ne interesam de soarta cateilor, astfel incat sa nu ajunga la persoane care ar aborda metode mai neortodoxe.

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2010, 10:04:49 AM »
daca Sota fuge cand e lasata libera nu e din cauza temperamentului ci a dresajului si asta se poate corecta

if Sota runs loose when she is freed it's not necesarily because of her temperament but rather training related and that can be corrected.

Offline Man Stopper

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2010, 10:24:29 AM »
I feel that the negatives outway the positives when it comes to corrrecting a dominant young dog. This type of dog should only be owned by someone who seeked and found, what they specifically were looking for, basically a hard/sharp dog who simply understands sit and stay pretty much.
If i was looking for a sport/exhibition type working dog then i would replace the dominant dog, with a more stable and less dominating kind, instead of breaking my..... and the dogs also, with correction after correction... Wouldnt be a calm relaxed situation on the working field, while the dogs being examined and the judge and i are on edge.. :shock:

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2010, 11:30:29 AM »
Quote from: "Santos"
daca Sota fuge cand e lasata libera nu e din cauza temperamentului ci a dresajului si asta se poate corecta

Te cadorisesc cu ea daca reusesti sa-i scoti rebeliunea din cap!
Eu am incercat pana mi-am rupt mainile si m-am potolit inaintea ei.
Sunt caini care e mai bine sa nu-i dresezi sau sa nu incerci dresajul lor. Sota e unul dintre ei.
Eu nu am facut altceva decat sa stric ce a dat mama natura acestui caine. A fost un lucru care ma va face sa nu repet aceste greseli in viitor.

Offline dux

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2010, 11:56:22 AM »
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Quote from: "Santos"
daca Sota fuge cand e lasata libera nu e din cauza temperamentului ci a dresajului si asta se poate corecta
Te cadorisesc cu ea daca reusesti sa-i scoti rebeliunea din cap!
Eu am incercat pana mi-am rupt mainile si m-am potolit inaintea ei.
Sunt caini care e mai bine sa nu-i dresezi sau sa nu incerci dresajul lor. Sota e unul dintre ei.
Eu nu am facut altceva decat sa stric ce a dat mama natura acestui caine. A fost un lucru care ma va face sa nu repet aceste greseli in viitor.
poti avea surpriza sa nu ai control 100% cu masculii.dar cu femelele,si mai ales din rasa ciobanesc german ma indoiesc.aici cred ca totul este legat de dresaj.un caine hiper activ si independent ,daca se motiveaza bine la ceva(mai ales la obiect de aport) o poti face controlabila fara probleme.cine aplica metode de dresaj din sport la capitolul disciplina nu va avea un caine sub control in medii cu factori de distragere.

you may have the surprise of not having 100% control over a male. But not as much and talking about females, especially GSD ones. In this specific situation I would say it all comes down to training. A hyper and independent dog, especially if ball drive is high, you will gain control over her easily. one who trains the dog in obedience by sports standards won't have full control over the dog in areas with distraction factors.

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2010, 12:09:51 PM »
Sota se urca pe toti cainii si ii "reguleaza"!
Acum incer sa o supraalimentez sa prinda in greutate si sa oboseasca mai repede.
Am observat ca daca e obosita bine mai ai cu cine"vorbi".

Sota mounts most dogs in her path and "humps" them!
I am actually looking to overfeed her so she gets tired quicker.
I noticed when she is tired it's easier to "connect" with her.

Offline dux

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2010, 12:36:37 PM »
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Sota se urca pe toti cainii si ii "reguleaza"!
Acum incer sa o supraalimentez sa prinda in greutate si sa oboseasca mai repede.
Am observat ca daca e obosita bine mai ai cu cine"vorbi".
se stimuleaza pe minge si mancare?daca da inseamna ca acel caine poate fi dresat a.i. sa te asculte brici cand esti cu ea in medii cu factori de distragere.totul este de rabdare si de tehnica pe care o folosesti.

Does she have good ball and food drive? if the answer is yes, then you can train this dog and eventually will follow you commands fully even when in distracting circumstances. It all comes down to patience and skill on your part.

Offline dux

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2010, 12:39:29 PM »
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Acum incer sa o supraalimentez sa prinda in greutate si sa oboseasca mai repede.
Am observat ca daca e obosita bine mai ai cu cine"vorbi".
asta nu schimba temperamentul.doar rezistenta la efort scade si atunci se ,,inmoaie'' mai creeaza impresia ca e controlabila.dupa ce-si revine o ia de la capat.tot dresajul este cheia.

but this won't change her temperament, but rather lowers her resistance to physical stress and so she "softens" quicker. and that gives the impression she becomes controlable. when she regains strength you start from zero. training is still the answer.

Offline dux

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2010, 01:11:46 PM »
Quote from: "Man Stopper"
I feel that the negatives outway the positives when it comes to corrrecting a dominant young dog. This type of dog should only be owned by someone who seeked and found, what they specifically were looking for, basically a hard/sharp dog who simply understands sit and stay pretty much.
If i was looking for a sport/exhibition type working dog then i would replace the dominant dog, with a more stable and less dominating kind, instead of breaking my..... and the dogs also, with correction after correction... Wouldnt be a calm relaxed situation on the working field, while the dogs being examined and the judge and i are on edge.. :shock:

ca sa nu fi ,,pe muchie'' tu si arbitrul cel mai bine este sa nu te duci cu un caine dur la o competitie facut pentru asta.
dar tot la fel nu prea este indicat sa folosesti un caine de sport in protectia reala,a ta si a familiei,pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu de-a randament.asa ca trebuie sa alegi.vrei sport iti alegi un anumit tip de caine.vrei garda de corp ,cauti alt tip de caine.

just so that you and the judge won't be on the edge it's most likely best not to go with a dominant dog to a sports competition. the dog is simply not built for that. at the same time it's not exactly indicated to use a sports dog in real protection, your and your family's, as the dog may not be efficient. so you must make a good choice. you want s sporting dog, you chose accordingly. Same goes for a real protection dog.

Offline Man Stopper

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2010, 08:02:35 PM »
Was curious on the the last few posts, what you guys said.

Ok Reg I've translated most ot them

Offline Bogdan

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Re: Socialization / Socializarea
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2010, 11:30:08 PM »
Quote from: "dux"
Quote from: "Bogdan"
Sota se urca pe toti cainii si ii "reguleaza"!
Acum incer sa o supraalimentez sa prinda in greutate si sa oboseasca mai repede.
Am observat ca daca e obosita bine mai ai cu cine"vorbi".
se stimuleaza pe minge si mancare?daca da inseamna ca acel caine poate fi dresat a.i. sa te asculte brici cand esti cu ea in medii cu factori de distragere.totul este de rabdare si de tehnica pe care o folosesti.

Se stimuleaza la orice, dar daca a vazut o fiinta vie s-a terminat distractia si incepe scandalul.
A rupt toate ramurile la care a ajuns de la un pom din curte doar doar o sa ajunga la pasarea din pom.
Poate ca daca ar fi fost doar ea in perioada 3-8 luni la mine ar fi fost alta situatie, dar avand in vedere ca aveam pe cap 3 pui + nunta + renovare casa etc, nu am lucrat suficient cu ea. Dar cum timpul nu poate fi dat inapoi, regretele sunt tardive.
Problemele ei s-au "agravat" dupa ce am inceput sa o leg in curte, unde frustrarile ei au crescut exponential.

She responds (is stimulated) to almost anything, but the moment she sees a living creature, things switch from play to trouble.
She tore all the branches of one tree that she could reach to, hoping to get to the bird up top of that tree.
Maybe if she would have been the only pup to look after when she was young, things would be different today; but back then I was looking after 3 pups + wedding + house work etc, so I didn't spend enough time with her. But obviously I can't turn back time, no romm for regrets. The issue grew bigger at the time I was keeping her tied to a pole in the yard, and so her frustration grew to bigger extents.